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Most websites are written using HTML. HTML (HyperText Markup Langauge) is a means to describe the structure of text-based information (including links, headings, paragraphs, lists, etc.) and add other forms of media (pictures, movies, interactive forms, etc.). For information on how to use HTML, please visit htmlgoodies.com or try using Google search for websites about HTML. A great summary of the most commonly used HTML tags can be found here. When a webpage requires information from the webserver like the date or time, it uses a CGI Script. A script is a collection of instructions and information that is interpreted and then usually displayed by another software application. Though similar to a program; scripts differ in that they are rarely compiled, require an interpreter, and cannot be ran as a stand alone software application. A Script is written in a scripting language, also commonly known as extension language or a glue language.
The CGI (Common Gateway Interface) is a protocol for the webserver to identify an executable command and possible arguments, runs the command, and returns the output. We allow the following script languages to access our CGI: PERL, Python, C Shell, and Bourne Shell. For assistance with running CGI Scripts please visit the CGI help section. Script Help Password protecting files and folders .htaccess Image Maps Image Maps Other resources you can use: General Web Building - HTML - Other sources of information for SSI, CGI and Programming - All links provided here if not specifically marked as "Provided by netINS" are the sole property and responsibility of their respective owners. |
All text and original graphics copyright ©1993-2011 OmniTel Communications All Rights Reserved. |