This technique can not be supported by Tech Support.

You will need a text editor (such as Notepad) and a FTP client to successfully password protect your site.

  1. Use your FTP client to connect to the web server

  2. Change directory so that you are now in .web

  3. Make a new directory named htaccess

  4. Change directory so that you are now in htaccess

  5. Using your text editor, make a new file using this information

    <files "ht*">
    order allow,deny
    deny from all
    AuthType Basic
    AuthUserFile /htaccess
    <Limit GET POST>
    require valid-user

  6. "Save As" .htaccess

  7. Upload this new .htaccess file to the htaccess directory

    Make sure the uploaded file is named .htaccess on the remote system side, not .htaccess.txt or .htaccess.doc. You can rename the file on the server side by using your application's "rename" command.

  8. Use the Htpassword generator to create the Username/Password entries for your site.

  9. Using your text editor, copy this information into a new document

  10. "Save As" password, or something else that is unique (It can be anything other than .htaccess)

  11. Upload this file to your htaccess directory

  12. Change directory so that you are now in the directory that you wish to password protect (in this case "testing")

  13. Using your text editor, copy this information into a new document

    AuthUserFile /isp/virtual_homes/ext/domain/your_user_name/.web/htaccess/password
    AuthName "Secure Users Directory"
    AuthType Basic
    <Limit GET POST>
    require valid-user

    where AuthUserFile is the absolute path to your password file and AuthName is the description the username/password dialog box will display to the website user.

  14. Now, test your site out. First go to This will give you an error of "Forbidden" if everything was entered correctly. Now, move to the directory you protected. You should be prompted for a user/pass dialog box. Enter the information and click ok. You should be able to access files in this directory.

  15. More Users can be added each time, all that you have to do is use the Htpassword generator and add the output for each new user to your existing password file