FTP Settings - For use in uploading your site to our servers via an
FTP client
Server: | ftp.myomnitel.com |
Username: | Your username |
Password: | Your password |
Folder: | .web |
Other Settings
URL: | http://myomnitel.com/~username/ | This is the address of your site. |
Date Path: | /usr/bin/date | If you are using a script to calculate
the date, this is where it is found. |
Sendmail Path: | /usr/sbin/sendmail | If your script sends email, this is the
address of the program that will send it for you. |
Valid 'Start' (home page) files are:
index.html |
index.htm |
home.html |
home.htm |
index.php |
home.php |
index.php |
home.php |
You must use one of these names for the default page when you create your website. There
is a file called 'index.html' already there when the site is created. That's the
'under construction' page you see. You'll need to delete that file and replace it
with a file with one of the above names. |
Interpreter Locations:
Perl | Path: /usr/local/bin/perl | Version: 5.6.0 |
Python | Path: /usr/local/bin/python | Version: 1.5.2 |
C Shell | Path: /bin/csh |
Bourne Shell | Path: /bin/sh |
These are the locations of the various script interpreters should you
need the for the purposes of scripting in one of the aove languages. |